Outdoor overtakes TV for reach & exposure

It’s always a pleasure to start the new year on the right foot. Research from the IPA touchpoints report, together with Les Binet, has found that outdoor advertising has overtaken TV for the broadest reach and the highest number of exposures.

Is it wise to wholeheartedly embrace OOH over TV? The answer isn’t so simple. Ubiquitous suggests a measured approach:

Complement the media mix

We are operating in an increasingly fragmented media market. OOH has been found to boost the effects of other media channels like search (+54%), social (+20%), and of course, TV (+17%) too!

To highlight this example, it’s better to show rather than tell. Enjoy these photos of Ubiquitous acting as the golden thread, connecting multi-format campaigns and reaching beyond TV. For reach, exposure, and frequency, varied creative on different formats really does make an impact.


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Positive News as footfall increases across the UK