OOH for good: How can Charities benefit?
The London Taxi Drivers Charity used OOH to raise awareness.
For many social initiatives, maintaining share-of-voice in an already crowded market (often filled with light-hearted and digestible messaging) can be challenging.
How you choose to send your message is often just as important as the message itself. What should we keep front of mind when furthering a charity’s social message?
Prioritise action in relevant audiences. Charities can benefit from unique formats that reach a wider audience.
Non-interruptive messaging. Formats that exist in the real world are already more likely to be viewed as non-interruptive by audiences. This can create a meaningful response from audiences willing to engage with a charity’s message.
Create empathy and understanding in audiences. A charity’s campaign message can lean on emotion to prompt a response from audiences. Luckily, advances in creative technology means that traditional formats can be complemented.
Trust is the first step of the journey. Audiences need to trust a charity if they plan to donate money or time. Formats that exist alongside the community are regularly viewed as more trustworthy.
For those that think outside the box, there’s plenty of opportunities to get more donations into the charity box.