And The Oscar goes to…
Taxis make a bold impression for movie premieres
A name synonymous with excellence in filmmaking, glamour, and celebrity, the Oscars generate plenty of buzz for film buffs and punters alike.
When we’re not discussing our shoo-ins for best picture, the Oscars are a timely reminder of why OOH and taxis suit arts and entertainment publicity:
London taxi audiences enjoy going to the movies.
They’re more likely than the average adult to prefer watching films when they come out at the cinema.
Taxis and OOH are an awareness tool.
73% of frequent cinemagoers agree that OOH has made them aware of a new film release.
Streaming services can benefit from the power of taxis.
Taxis enhance recall and prompt action.
Research has shown that subscription services benefit from the frequency and exposure that taxis provide.
This Oscar season, the award goes to – Taxis!