Strike a pose this London Fashion Week
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the only way to cut a shape down the catwalk is to bag a sponsorship opportunity at London Fashion Week.
A Ubiquitous collaboration can build the foundations of an authentic experience between your brand and fashion-conscious audiences.
Partner with influencers
Influencers provide an air of credibility when used appropriately. Ubiquitous is more than happy to pick up and drop off influencers at your event – our taxis even make for the perfect photo backdrop!
Create timely content
There are few things more powerful for a brand than a branded taxi rolling down a storied postcode. Strategic use of Taxi Advertising can get your message across to the right people at the right time.
Immerse audiences in your world
With younger audiences craving real-world experiences, a format like taxis is a tangible asset that exists in the same physical world as your audience.
There’s plenty of space on the catwalk for London’s most storied accessory – the black cab. All it needs is a fashionista to wear it well!