London Fashion Week is Ubiquitous

At London Fashion Week 2024, Ubiquitous was right in the thick of it. We know that taxis do an excellent job of dropping the talent off, but they’re more than just a pretty face.

Complementing Integrating Campaigns

Fashion houses rely on strong branding to tell a story. Taxi Advertising and OOH complement owned media channels through frequency of exposure. This frequency of exposure creates engagement, with industry research suggesting that for every £3 spent in-store because of OOH, £2 is spent online. Branded taxis reinforce your brand’s messaging and provide a tangible touchpoint for audiences to remember you.

Brand Fame and Stature

Taxi Advertising is a trusted format thanks to its heritage and reputation. Similarly, many fashion brands rely on their reputation to maintain exclusivity and status. Attest research for a recent luxury brand campaign on taxis found that the relevant audience’s opinion of the brand was positively affected after seeing a branded taxi.

Branded Convoys and Runways

There’s something special about a branded convoy on its way to a fashion show. Attest research found that respondents were highly likely to take photos of branded taxis and post them online. Creating content suitable for social media is fast becoming a focus for many luxury brands. Instagram stood as the main brand performance driver of London Fashion Week, responsible for 46% of the total media impact value.

On a final note…

YouGov research suggests that Taxi Advertising audiences are five times more likely than the national average to attend London Fashion Week. Taxi Advertising is a face-to-face opportunity with an affluent, desirable audience.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s London Fashion Week. For storytelling, brand fame, stature and excitement, Ubiquitous does it all – before you step out onto the red carpet.


Traditional OOH packs a punch


Forget Black – Can Taxis Go Even Greener?