Kick-off into Winter

After a successful summer of sport, the winter months are sure to offer plenty for the sport obsessed. With nearly half of the UK taxi audience attending a sports event in the last 30 days (vs. 18% of the national average), here’s how Ubiquitous can leverage live sport events for your brand.

Taxis are Present in the Moment

Industry research found that proximity advertising like OOH resonated with audiences. Taxis regularly visit premier destinations over 8,000 times a month, providing a refined way to engage with affluent audiences.

Trusted and Preferred

The Kantar Media Reactions Research paper for 2024 revealed that consumers overwhelmingly trust OOH, and that they also prefer it to other formats. A tangible, physical format like Taxi Advertising effortlessly connects with audiences.

The Collective Experience

Live sport invokes a feeling of community, inspired by the collective experience shared between fans. Taxi Advertising puts your brand closer to the action at the relevant moments that matter, leveraging the crowds that live sport brings. Relevant messaging at the right moment has been proven by industry research to lead to a 32% increase in brain response.

For recall, engagement, and action, Taxi Advertising will be there to put brands right in the thick of it.


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