For Taxi Drivers
For Driver Services please call
020 7033 7600
Our Dedicated Operations Centre
92-93 Tent Street
London, E1 5DZ

We're proud to work with the best taxi service in the world.
We’ve supported the cab trade with regulators and helped over 6,000 drivers and fleets earn more through advertising.
Getting Started
We’ve answered some common questions below. Still unsure? Feel free to contact us below.
Our business hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please note that we are closed between 12pm and 1pm for lunch.
Taxi fitting takes place at our Operations Centre located at 92 - 93 Tent Street, London E1 5DZ. Access for taxis due to be fitted is from Dunbridge Street.
A full taxi wrap can take up to 4 hours, while a Superside will usually only take 20 - 30 minutes. Drivers are reimbursed for the time taken, for both formats.
Please ring the operations office on 0207 033 7600 as soon as you notice the damage to the advert. We will arrange a suitable date and time to repair the advert.
This will depend on which artwork your taxi has fitted. Superside drivers are not required to change the colour of their Taxi on their log book. However, if you have a long term advert you will need to. We will advise you at the time of posting.
Your first contract with Ubiquitous will need to be for 3 years.
We are always looking for LEVC models. As long as your taxi is clean and presentable, we have no issues accepting TX4 models and different colours of Taxis.